• Shows we've worked on include...

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    Drs Shini Somara & Simon Clark harness their inner spies to help build a better planet

    • Factual podcast with a fun twist
    • Mix of on-location and interviews
    • #1 in the Apple UK Tech Charts
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    Hybrid comedy magazine show that aims to (carbon) capture all things climate

    • Comedy/factual format
    • Supported Unusual Productions
    • Piloted in the cover 6.30pm Radio 4 slot
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    Professor Sue Black explores how computer science has changed our lives

    • Factual/interview format
    • Featuring legendary CompSci guests
    • Debuted at #7 in the Apple Tech Charts
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    Prof. Lucy Rogers discovers how everyday tech is being used to do extraordinary things

    • Factual/investigative format

    • Over 30k listens and 1M impressions

    • Reviewed in New Scientist

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    An astronomer in your pocket! TV's Mark Thompson takes you on an audio tour of the night sky

    • Part audio guide, part podcast
    • #1 UK Astronomy show during launch
    • Apple Top 20 'Bestselling' podcast
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    Exploring the comedy past, present and future of some of the hottest topics in tech

    • Live audience, R4-style comedy

    • 5-star rating on Apple Podcasts

    • >50k website views

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    Celebrating modern technology and the Makers from history who made it all possible

    • Live audience, R4-style comedy
    • Over 1k downloads in first 10 days
    • Peaked at #4 in the Apple Tech Chart 
  • Why choose us?

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    Original formats

    We create unique and engaging formats, perfectly suited to your audience and brand values.

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    Professional team

    We're a fully paid-up member of the UK's Audio Producer's Association, alongside leading UK production brands.


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      Marketing included

      We work with a leading UK agency to help you plan your launch, boost your profile and grow your audience.


      • Contact us for a quote or to find our more about our services